Sunday, 16 October 2011

A freezer full...

... of food to eat.  I work in a school and the little cherubs didn't eat all of the carrots which they received for their break time snack, so I took some of the surplus to make my food go further.  I do feel a tad guilty but as they say, waste not want not!  Delia Smith has a wonderful recipe in her Frugal Food book for Carrot and Leek soup; it really is delicious and extra portions are currently wallowing in our freezer.  I also took the opportunity to make a batch of Spiced Carrot and Lentil soup which was lovely, but Mr Frugal was in charge of putting the "pinch" of chilli flakes in (given to us by a friend) and it now means that our mouths set on fire.  Mental note: do not allow Mr Frugal to go anywhere near this recipe in the future.  However, it was delicious and another couple of batches are in the freezer!  We have enough soup in the freezer to last us a few weeks.  It's also ideal to put into flasks for lunch whilst at work.

Also in the freezer is my own recipe of bolognese sauce.  I suppose it's more of a meat sauce with italian seasoning and bulked out by whatever veg is trying to walk out of the fridge; more carrots naturally, a bit of celery and mushrooms, oh and not forgetting the onions!  Mr Frugal also has an "own brew" of chilli con carne.  I'm sure that purists would die of fright with our recipes, but they're bulked out quite well, are tasty and use up many food items which we'd only throw away.